Ever wondered what really happens to the water after it goes down the drain? Or worried exactly how clean the Connecticut is when you're getting ready to go for a swim? 

Come tour the Hanover wastewater reclamation facility and get the answers to all your questions (and more!) See how this facility protects your health and the health of the environment (specifically the Connecticut River) by getting gross stuff out of water with cool technology. They also apparently have methane power generation on site, so that'll be cool to learn about too.

We have just a few spots left, so blitz [log in to unmask] to sign up!

The details:
Date: April 18 (this Friday)
Time: Leave behind Robo at 2:30 if you'd like to drive, 2:00 if you'd like to walk. The tour lasts an hour tops, so we'll be back on campus around 3:30, 4 pm at the latest.
Location: the water treatment facility is less than a mile away, down behind Pine Knoll Cemetery (before the frisbee field)

You should come it will be awesome. Just a few spots left so sign up soon!

Somewhat relatedly...

please sign this pledge to choose tap water over bottled water 

(use your dartmouth email address!)

if Dartmouth gets the most signatures, we will win $3000 to go towards water infrastructure on campus.

we won last year - let's do it again!!!​