Join us at 12:30pm today!


When will the campaigns for the next U.S. presidential election start -- or have they already?

How do political action committees and super PACs function?

More importantly, how do they mobilize voters?

Join the Rockefeller Center and the College Democrats this Tuesday at 12:30PM in the Class of 1930 Room for a conversation with Rachel Schneider, the Young Americans Director for the Ready for Hillary Super PAC.?

Rachel Schneider, the Young Americans Director for the Ready for Hillary Super PAC, will be visiting campus to talk about the behind-the-scenes of running a super PAC. The Ready for Hillary Super PAC has received a lot of media attention and is a tangible impact of the Citizens United court case. They have been called Clinton's "shadow campaign" and are actively creating a campaign infrastructure before Clinton has decided whether she will run. Click here<> for more info or read up on the WSJ here<>.

?Sign up for the lunch here<>! All are welcome.