On March 31st, 2014 Dartmouth CoFIRED hosted an event titled "Drop the I Word". The event highlighted issues of undocumented students at Dartmouth College and their experiences with the I-word (any variation of "illegal" in terms of immigration - "illegals", "illegal aliens", "illegal immigrants"). We presented a petition to be delivered to Dartmouth administration to ban the I-word on Dartmouth College.

Read more here from The Dartmouth : http://thedartmouth.com/2014/04/01/news/drop-the-i-word-event-highlights-students-stories 

If you support prohibiting the use of the word, sign the petition here: http://ow.ly/vpCY0.​​

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“When we call members of our Dartmouth community illegal, we are dehumanizing and excluding them from our community.” 

"As one of the few institutions of higher learning in this country to accept undocumented students and offer financial aid, Dartmouth can become an agent of change that is truly committed to its mission of diversity and educating the most promising students. We must use language that is reflective of Dartmouth values. Undocumented students are part of the Dartmouth community. They exist. They are human.
We are Dartmouth."