Feeling like you could really use some Vitamin D after Winter term?

Think the foliage is New Hampshire just isn't quite spiky enough?

Want to be able to exit a building without bracing for the cold?

... and what if that building was a tent instead?

This spring break, you can come hiking with Cabin and Trail, in


(it's cold down South right now, but we promise it will get a lot warmer by the time March rolls around!)

We'll go backpacking in the spectacular Chisos Mountains for 3-4 days, and then spend a couple nights camping out in the backcountry on Mesa de Anguila, getting spectacular views like this!


Yes, that picture was taken by someone on this trip 3 years ago!
The river is the Rio Grande... and the plateau on the other side is in Mexico!!

For more pictures, and more information, check out the application by following the link below.

Also... did we mention the trip has a theme?


Submit your applications by noon on Sunday 2/2/14!!

If you have any questions, blitz Vipul R. Kakkad or Patrick R. Campbell, or just reply to this blitz!

Yours in the Out-of-Doors,

Cabin & Trail