Dominique Christina
Denice Frohman

2012 and 2013 Women of the World Poetry Slam winners

performance * TODAY * 8pm * one wheelock

workshop * tomorrow * 6pm * casque and gauntlet




Sponsored by the Women's and Gender Studies Program; the African and African American Studies Program; the Department of English; the Office of Pluralism and Leadership; LGBTQA Life; the Center for Gender and Student Engagement; the Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth; and Soul Scribes.

Sister Outsider's visit is part of the White Ribbon Campaign at Dartmouth:

November 4-9

The White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) is a worldwide effort of men ending violence, particularly violence against women. Wearing a white ribbon is a symbol of opposition to violence and a "personal pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls."
The White Ribbon Campaign is the largest movement in the world of men that work to end sexual violence and domestic violence, promote healthy and equal relationships, and develop a new understanding of masculinity. The values of the movement align with Dartmouth's Men's Forum's philosophy that men and boys are part of the solution when we collectively examine the root causes of sexual assault, leading to changes in our thoughts and in our culture.

Sister Outsider Poetry Writing Workshop
Wednesday, November 6 at 6:00pm in Casque and Gauntlet

The Cage-Fighting Poet: Cameron Conaway
Wednesday, November 6 at 7:30pm in Moore B03

Masculinity in Art: Exploring Expressions of Men and Masculinities
Thursday, November 7 at 4:30pm in the Hood Museum of Art

Slut Shaming, Sexuality, and Body Image
Thursday, November 7 at 7pm in the CGSE

White Ribbons and Rainbow Flags
Friday, November 8 at  4:30pm in the Kemeny 007

White Ribbon Campaign Mixer hosted by Women's Forum and Men's Forum
Friday, November 8 at  9:00pm in the One Wheelock

White Ribbon Campaign Tailgate
Saturday, November 9 from 2-4pm at the Collis Patio

Click link to sign the pledge
