Why Work for a Startup? 

Come hear from a panel of four '14s on why working for a startup can be so exciting, and how they made the transition from Hanover to the Bay Area's tech startup scene. 

Join us in Rocky 001 today on Sunday, Nov. 3rd, at 7pm. Free Boloco. 

Karl Schutz '14 ............. Visual.ly
Evan Curhan '14 ........... SideCar
Matt McNierney '14 ....... WePay
Sebastian DeLuca '14 ... PromoteU


"A lot of people in the Ivy League end up going into banking and consulting and a lot of people end up liking it, but I don't find many people that are as excited to talk about where they're working as I am," said Ron Shapiro, an Android developer at mobile payments startup Venmo, who graduated from Columbia in May (quoted in Forbes). 

Organized by Visual.ly