Wall Street vs. Startups:
Start Up or Sell Out?

Come join Upstart for a conversation about maximizing your career flexibility, pursuing your passion, and investing in your future.

Around this time of year, thousands of talented students abandon their entrepreneurial dreams in favor of the financial stability and prestige of consulting or finance jobs. Upstart believes that the choice to follow your dreams shouldn't be this hard. Our goal is to make doing what you love after college a lot less risky
Wednesday, November 6th
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Pizza, free Upstart t-shirts, and a wildly life-changing experience


Paul Gu (Hedge fund analyst to Upstart Co-Founder)
Jonathan Eng (Google APM to CTO)
Vishal Maini (Management consultant to Growth Manager)
You! All class years are welcome.
Join Upstart in a conversation on the value of investing in yourself and taking risks early in your career
Practical tips on finding and securing job opportunities with a startup, whether technical or not
Advice on choosing between finance, consulting, big tech, & entrepreneurship