Don't know what classes to take next term?
Trying to find an internship for your next off-term?
Have questions but no one to ask?

Then join us for our Dartmouth 101 meeting!  WIB execs will speak about what they wish they had known as an underclassmen, give advice on course selection, go through an overview of recruiting, and more!  Feel free to blitz in any topics you'd like to discuss and come with questions!

MONDAY, 10/2
6 PM
Collis 101

Then come to our termly WIB Sparkling Cider & Cheese after our meeting today at 7 pm! We will be heading over to Alpha Phi together after the meeting.  Meet upperclassmen and peers, get to know other members in WIB and SWS, and have some tasty snacks!  

**All genders, majors and classes welcome.  There will be NO alcohol served.**