TODAY, Oct. 17th:
Dartmouth Caribbean Connection is showing a film titled "In the Time of Butterflies"

Thursday, Oct. 17th 
7PM in Brace Commons, East Wheelock

The film touches upon the work of Junot Diaz (An author who is making a special appearance to campus this Friday, see below).
"In the Time of the Butterflies"(2001) is based on the Julia Álvarez book. The fictional story explores the lives f the Mirabal sisters, Dominican revolutionary activists, who opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo. As a result, they were assassinated on November 25, 1960. 
In Junot Diaz's book The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, he weaves in the story of the Trujillo reign when he speaks of the history of the Dominican Republic. In order to further illustrate the terror experienced during the Trujillo reign, Diaz incorporates the story of the Mirabal sisters which is explore in the film "In the Time of Butterflies".

FRIDAY, OCT. 18th: 
Check it out!
In honor of Latin@ Heritage Month:

MacArthur "genius grant" winner Junot Diaz, author of the Pulitzer prize 
winning novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2008) will read from his 
short story collection This Is How You Lose Her (2012), a finalist for the 
National Book Award.

The reading will be followed by a Q&A and book signing on Friday, Oct. 18, 5pm 
in Filene Auditorium.

Sponsored by LALACS and Office of Pluralism and Leadership

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