Hello everyone

There is not enough interest in the co-chair position at this point to put forth a bid and hold the conference. This is the final call for applications for Dartmouth IvyQ co-chair, due tonight at midnight. Please blitz the account with any questions regarding IvyQ or the position.

To apply for co-chair (more information on the position below), please send us a brief statement about 1- why you would like to be co-chair, 2- what makes you a good candidate, and 3- your D-Plan for the next year.

Please blitz us by that same deadline if you would like to vote. We will send you the applications and you must send in your selection by tomorrow at midnight.

Information on the co-chair position: The co-chairs will be in charge of delegating/organizing the bid, and if Dartmouth wins, they will be the conference leaders for 2014. To be able to run for co-chair, you should be on in Fall '14 as well as two terms between now and then. Please be aware that being conference co-chair is basically a one-year commitment, and requires communication and planning skills as well as being good at delegating and leading a team. If you have not attended any IvyQ planning meetings in the last two weeks and would like some more information about what the IvyQ co-chair position entails, please blitz us back. Open to all classes; upperclassmen particularly encouraged to apply.

Information on IvyQ: http://ivyq.org/about/