The weather is getting chillier this weekend and what better way is there to compensate for cold weather than S'MORES!

Join MILAN - Dartmouth's South Asian Organization for a fun social mixer tomorrow night at 8 pm at the campfire pit near the River Cluster.

If anyone is interested being a part of this organization and wasn't able to come to the Activities Fair - please blitz back the Milan account and we can put you on our blitz list. (Especially you, 17s!)

We hope you all can come and spend some time getting to know the South Asian community on campus, and fingers crossed that the weather permits. If anything changes a notification email will be sent out.

Milan Board

"Milan," a Hindi/Urdu word meaning "community," is the South Asian social and cultural group Dartmouth. Founded in 1987, Milan spans all of South Asia and serves as a focal point for students of South Asian origin and anyone interested in the region.