Dear Tennis Hopefuls,

You opened this email because either you are interested in tennis, or by mistake opened it up when trying to delete it from your iPhone. I'm sorry for you latter folk, continue your Words With Friends. Anywho, Club B Tennis would like YOU. If you played tennis in high school, like competition, hate long car rides to other schools, time commitments, or just get carsick, then we REALLY want you. If you are willing to put up with ridiculous emails, then we REALLY REALLY want you.

Our first practice is from 5-7 PM on Thursday on the blue courts next to the gym, and then on Saturday from 1-3 at the same courts (This will be our schedule for this fall). If you're looking for tennis instruction look at P.E. tennis instead. Here are the answers to the questions inevitably floating around in your minds:

Will I get P.E. credit:
Yes, just show up to 13 of our practices!
IMPORTANT: To get PE credit sign up on banner by 9/26 at midnight!

Who can come?
17s, 16s, 15s, 14s, and 13s who have trouble departing from things. We're here for you. Grad students? We accept you too.

Will I get better at tennis?
Up to you.

Are there tryouts?
Do you know how to play tennis? You passed tryouts.

How competitive is it?
It really varies. We aren't really instructors, so if you're looking for someone to teach you how to hit a forehand and how to get a serve in, PE tennis can do dat. If you're anywhere relatively in the range between competitive JV to Varsity, COME TO US.

Are snacks provided?
They can be.

So we hope to see all your hopeful faces unmarred by the miasma that is existence. 5-7 PM on Thursday, and Saturday from 1-3 PM on the blue courts next to the gym! Ya can't miss it. We'll be there. WILL YOU????