Like singing AND/OR pie?

Have questions about a cappella at Dartmouth?

Want to meet the diverse group of singers you saw at the showcase last Saturday?


Come chat with the Dartmouth Sing Dynasty, ask us about coed a cappella, and grab some free pie!

THURSDAY, 9/19, 6:30-7:30PM
in the Hop Garage / Room 130 (across from the Hop Cafe)

***Drop in when you can and stay as long as you like! We'd love to see your faces!***

Can't make it that evening? Need your answers NOW?

Feel free to also BLITZ US BACK with any questions about a cappella and auditions.
We'll get back to you ASAP and may include a GIF that is appropriate to your question.

Also, watch out for more blitzes about auditions this weekend:

SATURDAY, 9/21: Girls Auditions
SUNDAY, 9/22: Boys Auditions

Hope to see you soon!

- The Sings