Come to...

Consent Day 13X!

TODAY, Aug. 15

Noon - 2 PM

Collis Porch

We'll have...

Candy! Fun games! Free tank tops! Education about consent!

Consent Day is a summer event put on by the Sexual Abuse Awareness Program (SAAP). The event is designed to educate the campus community about consent in regards to intimate or sexual activity. Students who participate in a certain number of educational activities and sign a pledge acknowledging that they understand what consent is and pledge to always obtain consent when engaging in intimate activity will receive a "Consensual Sex is Hot" tank top as a prize. The event is energetic and fun, set-up like a carnival with snacks, music, entertainment and decorations.

Co-Sponsored by:

SPEC, Phi Delta Alpha, Hillel, CGSE, Health Promotions & The President's Office