The 13X Blood Drive is in two weeks but we're only 50% of the way toward Dartmouth's goal for donation appointments. More importantly, the American Red Cross just issued a national appeal for blood. It's easy to give and you could save a life by donating blood, so sign up for a blood donation appointment here: http://www.redcrossblood.org/make-donation. The Drive will take place  on Tuesday July 30th or Wednesday July 31st

Additionally, we still need a couple more volunteers to help out! Sign up for a time-slot here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoE7yroB5t1NdG9ibl8xOGVjQmVjWC1BNjdJWU93d1E&usp=sharing

Feel free to blitz back if you have any questions.