13S Blood Drive in ONE WEEK!

It will take place Tuesday May 7th and Wednesday May 8th from 11am-5pm in Alumni Hall at the Hop -- look out this Wed-Fri for tables in Foco and Novak where you can sign up to donate.

WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS to sign up for tabling (before the blood drive) and to be a Volunteer Overseer (during the blood drive). Below are two links to sign up:

Tabling: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoE7yroB5t1NdFZfa242UGhFMXVFdnVpVlV2UHROdFE&usp=sharing<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai6IxznlnNJidExXRmxWSWd1cF9lZDlQWHlkZ0JQUWc>
Volunteer Overseer: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoE7yroB5t1NdG9ibl8xOGVjQmVjWC1BNjdJWU93d1E&usp=sharing <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai6IxznlnNJidE5lTy01cFNSaWpuX3VWOUh6ZTQ3V3c>
Tabling will be in Foco and Novak: May 1st-3rd (Tabling people will get students to sign up to donate blood.)

Volunteer Overseers will work for an hour during the Blood Drive, which is on May 7th and May 8th. (Volunteer overseers are responsible for making sure shift changes between volunteers goes smoothly.)

Once you've all signed up, we'll blitz out with specific directions.
Thanks and blitz back with any questions!

Catherine Bryt, Michael Klein, Katie Bonner, and Freddy Yang
Red Cross Club Chairs