Happy Monday, everyone! [: Hope you guys are enjoying the warm weather! (It'll be like this for the rest of the week!)

Anyways, DAO will be having a JOINT DINNER DISCUSSION with
La Alianza tomorrow (Tuesday) night in Cutter-Shabbaz basement!

In light of recent events, we'll be discussing what defines each of our"Dartmouth experiences." (not just the minority experience either; all are encouraged to join us!)

Have there been incidents when you felt you didn't belong?
Do you think that people have to conform to fit in?
Have the issues of sexism, homophobia, and racism affected you or your friends?
What can we as a community do to make everyone feel at home?

It will be from 7-9pm, and there'll be Gas Station Chinese food! Mmmmm yummy.

Hope to see you all there!
