"...American Indian women have been raped or have experienced an attempted rape, according to the Justice Department. Their rate of sexual assault is more than twice the national average."
- Timothy Williams, "For Native American Women, Scourge of Rape, Rare Justice," The New York Times 

Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Incorporated presents...

1 in 3 Dinner and Discussion 
with Professor Bruce Duthu,
chair of the Native American Studies Program

The discussion will be centered around the "1 in 3" statistic and how it affects Native women in Native and non-Native communities alike, as well as the Violence Against Women Act which is closely tied to the issue.

6-8 pm
Paganucci Lounge

**Ramunto's Meat AND Veggie Lasagna will be served***

A candlelight vigil will be held afterwards at 8:15 pm starting outside '53 Commons and ending in the center of the Green where there will be a performance by the Rockapellas.

To RSVP, please blitz Christina Goodson or Alpha Pi Omega.

Co-sponsored by SAPA and the Native American Program