To the Dartmouth community:

With our many visions of progress and theories of change, we need to work together toward a shared goal of making Dartmouth the best that it can be.  Every day, but especially now, at a time of heightened dialogue about the state of the College, we need to remember our Principle of Community:

The life and work of a Dartmouth student should be based on integrity, responsibility and consideration. In all activities each student is expected to be sensitive to and respectful of the rights and interests of others and to be personally honest.  [Everyone] should be appreciative of the diversity of the community as providing an opportunity for learning and moral growth.
From: The Dartmouth College Student Handbook,

Engaging with campus issues and productively discussing ways to improve Dartmouth are necessary in order to achieve progress. As always, there are many approaches to bettering our community; many students have dedicated and continue to devote their time and energy toward doing so in a variety of ways.  We must remember that free and open dialogue is essential for fostering the progress we seek.

Today's events present a unique opportunity for our community to grow and change in important and sustainable ways. We all will determine and shape tomorrow's conversations.   We must attend these events not only with our ideas but more importantly, with a willingness to listen sincerely to each other.  Let's commit ourselves to empathy and to sincere mutual respect.  This morning, please find details of the day's events at
In addition to today's events, there are many outlets for your own voice to be heard, and Palaeopitus would like to remind you of the multitude of ways that you can share your thoughts, opinions, and perspectives:
  • Contact any member of our delegation, or email our account - [log in to unmask]
  • Palaeopitus’ State of the College Report and Presidential Transition: Although the "Dear President Hanlon..." display is no longer in Baker-Berry, send your thoughts and opinions to our email account this week to have them included in these tangible projects. 
  • Contact your administrators directly via blitz and office hours: 
·       Dean Charlotte Johnson, Dean of the College- Email: [log in to unmask]
·       Dean of the College Open Office Hours- Parkhurst 111, Tuesdays 4:00-5:00 PM
·       Undergraduate Dean- (You can find your respective Dean here), or contact the Undergraduate Deans Office at Email: [log in to unmask], Phone: 603.646-2243
·       Dean Kate Burke, Associate Dean of the College for Campus Life- Email:[log in to unmask]
·       OPAL - Email: [log in to unmask]or drop in anytime at their offices on first floor Berry (where the computer store used to be)
·       Alysson Satterlund, Director of the Office of Pluralism and Leadership (OPAL) - Office Hours: by appointment, Email: [log in to unmask]

With the deepest respect for each other, we must continue to be thoughtful and committed to progress for our community. 

Your 2013 Palaeopitus Delegation

 Vaidehi Mujumdar * Marina Villeneuve * Stella Safari * Millen Abselab * Richard Asala * Sam Lewis * Cole Adams * Remington Franklin * Damaris Altomerianos * Joseph Tanenbaum * John Henry Boger * Sarah-Marie Hopf * Duncan Hall * Brendan Woods * Anneliese Sendax * Chris O'Connell * Kristen Clifford * Emily Fletcher * Georgia Travers * Suril Kantaria * Reilly Bertasi