You are all welcome to attend the our PRC meeting TODAY

This term we are looking at planning a multitude of FUNDRAISING events including: Cinco De Mayo Extravaganza, PRC Dance-a-thon, PRC Dodgeball tournament, and more.  We would love any input and help!

What is PRC?  PRC (Project Right Choice) is a philanthropic group that chooses a different charity each year to fundraise and provide hands-on aid with the additional aim of growing social leaders.

This year PRC is supporting the Bridge House, a local homeless shelter geared towards helping veterans get back on their feet.
More info at:

When? Tuesday April 9 8:30 PM
Where? Baker 158

Don't have time but want to help out??
We have already started selling raffle tickets to our Cinco De Mayo Event.  $15 each that all goes to Bridge House.  Prizes include up to $500 cash prize, tickets, and many more donations from local stores in the area!  If you would like to buy a ticket blitz the address below....

If you are unable to attend the meeting but are interested in joining the cause please contact: [log in to unmask] directly or VP Graham Mellen at [log in to unmask]