Feeling stressed?

Have you ever wanted to try meditation but didn't know where to start?

Come experience how "Even in small doses, mindfulness can effect impressive changes in how we feel and think — and it does so at a basic neural level." -The Power of Concentration, The New York Times

The Dartmouth Student Mindfulness Group is a nondenominational group dedicated to exploring meditation, which at it's core, teaches us how to enjoy the richness of the present moment. Join us for our first meeting this Thursday for a brief discussion on mindful practices and then a silent sitting meditation in our new room 003 North Fairbanks (through the doorway behind mid mass and down the stairs). No experience necessary! We will also being exploring yoga and different forms of meditation as the term progresses.

Tuesdays at 7 pm
Thursdays at 4:15 pm
Saturdays at 1 pm

For returning members, or those who just want to learn more about the intent of the group, we will be having a meeting this Thursday at noon in one of the study rooms on second floor Collis.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."