Happy Valentine's Day!

This year, DGLP is offering our traditional Candygram sale with extra pizzazz - you can now buy carnations! These beautiful flowers will last a long time, even in this chilly Hanover weather. 

We will be DELIVERING carnation flowers WITH A MESSAGE for only $5!

Please blitz [log in to unmask] your:
DA$H number 
Color request (pink, red, white/pink, or other)
Personal message
and the room number (or HB!) of your valentine. 
** and indicate if you would like to send the message anonymously~~!!!

You can also purchase our traditional CANDYGRAMS!!!
Chocolate Lover's Valentine $7
-Ghiradelli, Dove, and more!

Basic Candy Gram $4
-Sweethearts, Hershey's Kisses, and more!
To order a Candygram, please blitz [log in to unmask] your:
DA$H number 
Candygram type request
Personal message
and the room number (or HB!) of your valentine. 
** and indicate if you would like to send the message anonymously~~!!!

**Dartmouth Global Leadership Program (DGLP) is a campus club devoted to spreading global perspective and diverse skills sets to students from all over the world. With our spring break trips that take place in Honduras, Houston, and Hartford, VT, we seek to cultivate and sustain enduring relationships with our partner schools.