You know you've been meaning to, so why not make this Monday the day?

This week's Monday Night Second Breakfast Dinner is with Linguistics Professor Timothy Pulju!

Topic: "Why go to college?"

You made the choice. Let's talk about why, and what it means for our society.

MONDAY February 4th!

Location: Amarna, 23 East Wheelock St.

Time: 7pm [Back to our usual time!]

Chefs: Kenny Baclawski '12 and Blaine Ponto '14

Menu: A delightful second breakfast of vegetable frittata, oatmeal with fixin's, and fruit & yogurt parfait!

And stay tuned for these professors, coming soon to an MND near you!

2/11: Christopher Sneddon
2/18: James Stanford
2/25: Edward Meyer

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Timothy Pulju is a senior lecturer of classics and linguistics at Dartmouth. His research interests are in historical linguistics and Indo-European languages, and he is the founder and editor emeritus of the Speculative Grammarian, the foremost linguistics humor magazine. He teaches various courses on both those interests and a variety of other linguistics and Latin topics, and this summer will be teaching a class on the languages of Middle Earth. Need we say more? We'll let Professor Pulju speak for himself: