Do you know about the Ice Chimes, a public installation piece by Mr. Keith Moskow '83 of Moskow Linn Architects, installed just outside of the Life Sciences Center? 

Originally installed on the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston, the Ice Chimes came to Dartmouth as a part of the continuing public art installations during the college's Year of the Arts. What it does is to amplify the beauty and the sound of icicles over the course of their existence and reinterpret that natural process for an urban landscape. 

Mr. Keith Moskow will give a tour of the piece on the site to interested students on this Friday (2/1) at 3pm. We will meet up at the lobby of the Life Sciences Center. 

Please come if you are interested in art or engineering and hear the story about how it was calibrated, how it was inspired by Robert Frost's poem, and any other questions you may have :)

Thank you.
ARC@D, the Architecture Club at Dartmouth