The Dartmouth Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics would like
to invite you to the following session:

Time: Thursday, January 24th 2013 6 - 7:30 pm

Location: Carson 060

Speaker: Adrianna Gillman (John Wesley Young Research Instructor at
Dartmouth College. Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado)

Seminar Topic: Graduate School Applications: The things you want to know
and more

Pizza will be served.

Abstract: Where should I apply? What test should do I have to take? When
should I take them? What are schools looking for in grad-uate students?
These are just some of the ques-tions that you will ask yourself when
applying to a mathematics graduate program. In this talk, we will answer
these questions and discuss what to expect after application has been
handed in.
There will be plenty of time to answer additional questions.

SIAM is also looking for new executives so if you're interested you should
definitely attend this session.