We know you missed free home-cooked meals with great conversation...
So we're back for winter term with Anthropology Professor Chelsey Kivland!

Topic: Haiti and the 2010 earthquake
(She was in Port-au-Prince during the earthquake!)
Whether you're an expert on the topic or have no idea what's going on here, this dinner's for you!

Date: TUESDAY, January 22nd (since Monday was a holiday)
Location: Amarna, 23 East Wheelock St.
Time: 7 pm

Chefs: Myles McMurchy '16, Zac Myslinski '15, and Karolina Krelinova '14

Falafel Burgers
Mediterranean Spinach
Sweet Potato Soup
Chickpea, Tomato, Cucumber, and Feta Salad
And an exciting Czech dessert!

And stay tuned for these professors, coming soon to an MND near you!

1/28: Richard Crocker
2/4: Timothy Pulju
2/11: Christopher Sneddon
2/18: James Stanford

*** Sponsored by Programming Board ***
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Chelsey Kivland's currently teaches and writes in the areas of popular politics; anthropology of the state and sovereignty; ritual performance; embodiment and performativity; Vodou; carnival and crowd theory; anthropology of violence and misery; masculinity; youth; race and nation; anthropology of Haiti and the Caribbean; ethnographic methods and writing. Her most recent work focuses on Haiti, its state, and local organizations after the earthquake. She is currently writing a book on an ethnographic account of "the base," the novel socio-political formation that has arisen in urban Haiti during the democratic transition.