It's the moment you've all been waiting for. 

This Friday. 4:05 PM. Collis Lobby.

We'll be running sign ups for the trip to NYC.

What you may have previously emailed in for was just to see if enough people were interested. You did not hold a spot. 

So here's the deal. 

On January 25th at 4PM. We'll be heading onto a coach bus for 54 people directly for New York City. We'll stay at one of the top hotels in the Midtown Areas The Hudson Hotel. ( <--- It's sick

While there, we will have no itinerary for you, no timeshares to sell you, and no plans pre-made for you. You are free to do whatever (legal) activities your heart desires. 

On Sunday at 11AM, we'll jump back on the coach bus and have everyone back in Hanover for 4PM. 

Because of the limited size of the bus and nature of the trip there will be 3 people to a room. 

Best part? The cost of the round trip transportation and a 3 day stay in one of the nicest hotels? $60.

Let me put that in perspective for you.

The cost of a ONE-WAY ticket to NYC on the Dartmouth Coach is $75....

So come this friday. Collis lobby. 4:05 PM to buy your ticket and reserve your spot. 

These lines get really long. So if you want a spot, you're going to have to be there early, don't come to Collis at 3:45 expecting to get a ticket...
You did not reserve a space when you emailed the account earlier this month or in December. That was a simple interest email. 
You can pay with Cash or Da$h. Upon payment, any requested refunds will immediately be limited to $30. If you request a refund after the 21st you will only be entitled to $10. Any refund requests refund after the 23rd will be denied. 
Rooming is limited to 3 ppl per room. You can signup for rooms with friends or get assigned into rooms. 
Drinking age in New York State is 21+ 
You can't get anything above a 16oz soda... in Manhattan.
If you need the bus transport but don't need the hotel room you still need to pay the full $60. If you need the hotel room but not the transport, shoot us an email and we'll let you know the situation. 
The weekend of Feb. 1st we'll be traveling to Quebec City for the weekend for their Winter Festival. So if you can't get a ticket here, don't worry yourself. You can go to Quebec later in the term. 

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Got a suggestion? Don't just sit there! Tell us what you're thinking! Events, marketing, whatever, if you have ideas, email us!