Can't wait for Halloween? 

...Neither can we...

Impress your friends and help support a great cause!

Send a candy gram to someone special
*Candy gram includes an assortment of delicious candies and chocolates! 

*$2 per candy gram (3 candy grams for $5)

*$1 per candy gram to add a personalized message 

*Nut free options available upon request!

Ordering is super easy and will take place from Mon. 10/22 to Fri. 10/26!
Blitz Dartmouth.habitat.for.[log in to unmask] with the following:
DASH Number (the 9-digit number on your Dartmouth ID card)
Number of candy grams you want
Where you want these candy grams delivered (specify dorm room, address, etc.)
Whether you would like a personalized message for any or all candy grams/what you want the message to say
Stop by one of our tables: 
At Collis: Wed 10/24 - Fri 10/26 @ 11 AM-2 PM
At Novak: Wed 10/24 - Thurs 10/25 @ 8 PM-10 PM

Deliveries will take place Mon. Oct 29 and Tues. Oct 30!

*All proceeds go toward fulfilling Dartmouth Habitat for Humanity's mission of providing simple, decent, and affordable housing for low income people in the Upper Valley*