*We're raising the roof!*


This THURSDAY, we want students and staff alike to come out and help us
kick off construction as the crane puts up the frame of our spankin'-new
barn -- release your inner little kid! We'll have hot cider, live music,
tours of the farm, and Lou's pies and Collis cake oh my!

You can arrive in style on the *Big Green Bus*, Dartmouth's very own veggie
oil-powered vehicle! Shuttles will be departing (and returning) from the
bus stop in front of the Hop every hour on the hour from 2 to 5, or if you
drive/run/bike yourself, we're located at 100 Lyme Road (3 miles from the

and mark your calendars! when construction's completed, we'll celebrate
again on Saturday, November 10 with a barn raising party, featuring
Reckless Breakfast!