Tonight at 5:30 in the McCollum lounge area we are having our first diner and a movie night! Come on by and watch the wonders of Jesus Camp! We will start the movie at 6 if you just want to show up for that.

As always, any questions or comments, send a blitz and let us know what's on your mind!

Jesus  Camp

Jesus Camp follows several young children as they prepare to attend a summer camp where the kids will get their daily dose of evangelical Christianity. Becky Fischer works at the camp, which is named Kids on Fire. Through interviews with Fischer, the children, and others, Jesus Camp illustrates the unswerving belief of the faithful. A housewife and homeschooling mother tells her son that creationism has all the answers. Footage from inside the camp shows young children weeping and wailing as they promise to stop their sinning. Child after child is driven to tears. Juxtapose these scenes with clips from a more moderate Christian radio host (who is appalled by such tactics), and Jesus Camp seems to pose a clear question: are these children being brainwashed?"

From IMDb