You are cordially invited to...
The 9th termly *Proud to be a Woman Dinner*
The Proud to be a Woman Dinner invites all women of Dartmouth - students, faculty, & staff - to come together to celebrate the community of women on campus. The dinner, catered by the Hanover Inn, will include facilitated table conversations and will feature Professor Susan Brison of the Philosophy Department. She is excited to share her experience as a woman and her relationship with the arts.

Wednesday, October 17th at 6:00 PM - Alumni Hall

Tickets are $10. To purchase a ticket, blitz "Link Up" with your DASH number.
If the ticket price poses a problem for you, you may contact Jessica Jennrich at the CWG for a ticket.
 Special thanks to The CWG, The Rockefeller Center, and the WGST Department.