Architecture Club presents:

Lecture by the College's master planning consultant 

Beyer Blinder Belle 

(architecture firm specializing in historic preservation, urban design, planning, interiors, design-build, transportation, graphics design) 


at 4:30pm on the 18th (Thursday) in Haldeman 41

(there will be Lou's pies as usual)

Come and hear about their current planning work for Dartmouth. 

2. Also,

There will be Homecoming Pecha Kucha For Alumni and Students (Pecha Kucha is an informal gathering where each person shows 20 images of works of art/design, each for 20 seconds- it doesn't have to be that many slides)

on 10/27 (Saturday), 4pm, also in Haldeman 41

If you want to sign up to present, please reply to this email :) Please don't be shy! You can basically show anything you'd like! 

(Kim Quirk '82 of the Energy Emporium will present about what she's doing out in Washington State on her Enfield historic/energy efficient renovation.)


Any '15s or '16s, if you want to get more involved with the club as officers, please come to either of the events and let us know!