Discover the underground world of hostess clubs, online escort services, massage parlors, strip clubs, residential brothels, and street prostitution right HERE in the United States.
...and that's just the beginning.
Eat FREE Bolocos, learn more about an underground world you never knew existed.

Sex+Money: A National Search for Human Worth is about domestic minor sex trafficking and the modern-day abolitionist movement fighting to stop it. Since September 2009, the crew has traveled to over 30 states and conducted more than 75 interviews with federal agents, victims, politicians, activists, psychologists and porn-stars, among others.

Trailer & More info:

The Modern Abolition Initiative [MAI]
Educating and mobilizing the Dartmouth community to combat international and domestic human-trafficking.
Join our movement to combat trafficking: our work starts here in the Upper Valley. Come hear from trafficking experts and activists passionate about justice. Become part of a week-long campaign to expose the modern-day slave trade. Educate yourself about the scope and complexities of child, sex, and labor trafficking. Find out how you can reduce YOUR global slavery footprint. Whatever you do, don't close your eyes to 27 million men, women and children in chains around you.

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