Black Underground Theater Association presents:
"Tones & Thoughts" 
A Night Underground with 'Talk' A play 
by Carl Hancock Rux

Actors, Stage managers, Jazz Musicians, Poets, Singers, 
Open Auditions, ALL students are welcome, No experience necessary.

15-min Audition slots are available by appointment via blitz. Tuesday 6-9pm or Wednesday 8-10pm

Please reply with Name, class year, position(s) interested in and three time slot preferences. First come, first serve. You do not need to prepare anything for your audition. 

THE FALL SHOW: Will be comprised of poetry, monologues, musical numbers (jazz, R&B, contemporary, and soul mix) and scenes from Rux's play. 

Talk convenes a panel of experts — a filmmaker, a jazz musician, a talk-show host, a literary critic and a performance artist — to discuss the legacy of the fictional Archer Aymes, an African-American
writer who created a literary sensation with his first and only novel in 1959 and died an apparent suicide in prison 10 years later. 

Ion: Journalist, literary critic
Phaedo: Filmmaker, writer
Meno: Talk show host, gossip
Crito: Street-smart, raw
Apollodoros: An actress, artist