You've seen us on the green...

           You've seen us in collis...

                       You probably want to be friends with us by now...
                            (we already want to be friends with you)


What: Men's and Women's Club Ultimate Frisbee Practice
When: Wednesday, 3-6 pm. Rides from Dartmouth hall at 2:50
Where: Sachem Fields (about a mile down north main street)

**No experience necessary!
**Friendly people!!
**It's a real sport, we promise!

Check it out: AND

Then come to practice!  Bring a white shirt, a dark shirt (grey is not a color; just don't wear it), water, and cleats if you have them (but they are not totally necessary!)

ALSO: Come to the Club Sports Fair in Foco (Paganucci lounge) on Tuesday from 5:30-7 pm for more info.

Blitz MUF (men) or WUF (women) with questions/concerns. But, really, JUST COME TO PRACTICE!!