Do you..
       dream of being a Bollywood star?
             unintentionally screw the lightbulb and pet the dog when you dance?
                   love to Dance?

As long as you answered yes to the last question, come audition for RAAZ, Dartmouth's competitive South Asian fusion dance group!
Get ready for flashy costumes, incredible beats, and killer dance moves.

Auditions are this SATURDAY at 4PM 'til we're done in WILSON 301 (the red brick building next to the hop).

1) Come show us a choreographed 30 second piece or freestyle. Show off ANY dance style to ANY music, solo or in groups (people in groups will be considered individually). Please bring your own music.
2) We'll teach you a few of our own moves as a group and have you perform them for us.

Can't make it to auditions but dying to show off your moves or want more info? Feel free to blitz RAAZ!