(Play this --> http://tinyurl.com/dx55qxg)
Then read This:
1. Wednesday-Night-Boredom-pox* is very real and very scary
2. Every year, Trillions of Americans get Wednesday-Night-Boredom-pox for no good darn reason.
3. It's really not funny, my cousin, Geoff, had it one time.
4. He's doing okay now, I guess. He was always kind of a jerk in the first place though.
5. Laughter is the second best cure for Wednesday-Night-Boredom-pox
6. Not being a chump is the first

Does you or someone you know have Wednesday-Night-Boredom-pox?
Don't be a chump. Come Laugh.

     with The Dog Days of Summer
          AND The Summerphonix
              SigEp @ 11:15

*like smallpox, not like chickenpox.