Hello *scientifically curious peers*!

Trapped in the Dartmouth Bubble this summer? Want to know what's going on
in science news both on campus and in general? If so, check out the
articles below!

*Through the Google Glass *
by Katie Sinclair '14

*Age-Related Thymic Involution: Factors Behind the Decline*
by Tyler Billipp '14

*Adaptive Iterative Design (AID): A method for examining the effects of
aquatic stressors*
by Vikram Narayan '15

*New Imaging and Treatment Techniques for Back Pain*
by Kristen Flint '14

*Stabilizing Blood Pressure in Heart Failure Patients at the Roots of the
Sympathetic Nervous System*
by Aaron Koenig '14

*In Memoriam: Lonesome George*
by Katie Sinclair '14

Like what you see? Want to get involved? Come to our weekly meetings in *Kemeny
004* at *9 PM* on *Mondays*! Or* blitz "DUJS" *for more information!

Follow us on our website at http://dujs.dartmouth.edu/ or find us on
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/dartmouthdujs!