Hey '14s!

!...it's here...!

~~what you've all been waiting for~~


EVERYONE's encouraged to come out, regardless of dance experience! 
Shebalite is the sophomore summer version of SHEBA. It's designed to be just for fun, and won't be as intense or as large of a time commitment as regular SHEBA. If you want to have fun breaking it down with your fellow '14s this summer, come audition!

When: Friday, June 22nd, 6-9:30
Where: 301 Wilson

What to Expect: 
1) We'll teach you a sequence of our own moves, which you will perform in groups.
2) After we teach our dances, you may choose to show us a 30 second piece of your own choreography. This is a great opportunity show your unique style. Highly encouraged!
3) To get a work out! Please wear loose fitting clothes and bring water. 
4) To have a GREAT time dancing. 

If you absolutely can't come on Friday but still want to audition, blitz "SHEBA" and we'll try to schedule you individually. We want everyone who wants to audition to get the chance!

Blitz "SHEBA" with any questions.

See you then!
~Sirena, Soco, and MystiQue