******   GOT DBA?  ******

          Donate your extra DBA to fight local hunger before it's too late!
June 2-6th

How to donate:
Buy food items at any of the dining locations and drop them off in collection  
boxes at The Hop (to the right of the utensils, across from the box office)

**All proceeds will go to Willing Hands and The Haven to fight hunger in the  
Upper Valley**

Suggestions for donation:

For Willing Hands
: All fresh produce (fruit, carrots, orange juice, loaves of bread, etc) and pick-ups will be done every evening so diary and perishables (yogurt, milk, hummus, Odwalla) are okay to donate in the early afternoon.

For The Haven
: all prepackaged foods (cereal, granola, oatmeal, Odwalla/energy bars).

No Vitamin Water please!

Thank you for your support!

Blitz "Dartmouth Food Connection" with any questions or interest in the project.