WHO: Student-run venture accelerator and seed fund for Dartmouth undergraduate start-ups overseen by Alumni board. Reaching out to the 80 ventures on campus and developing a sustainable resource for student entrepreneurs at Dartmouth.

WHAT: Bill Nisen of the Dartmouth Alumni Council and one of the board members of Mitosis wants to meet with the team and any of those still interested in Mitosis.  He wants to share with you the prospects and future of the group.

Also we are going to give an update of the current Mitosis ventures and some of the projects Mitosis team members are working on.

WHEN: Wednesday May 30th at 7:00 PM (I know its finals but we will make it quick)

WHERE: Kemeney 007

Check out our preliminary website design: www.dartmouth.edu/~mitosis<http://www.dartmouth.edu/~mitosis>

See you guys,