SAVE YOURSELF, your bestie, or someone special with a FINALS SURVIVAL KIT! You order, we deliver!

Soda (to keep you awake!),
Granola Bar (for a quick snack),
Gum (for coffee breath),
Water (because water is life!)
Candy (for your sweet tooth)
and other fun SURPRISES!

Blitz back NOW! With the following info:
To: ________
  (From: _______)
DASH #: ______
Delivery Location: ______

Deliveries Thursday & Friday (8-10pm)
Order in person RIGHT NOW  in Novack. Cash or dash accepted OR blitz back now!

Let us help you through finals.
It's almost summah, summah, summaah tiiiime!

-Brought to you by Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc