Tomorrow night, the College Libertarians are hosting Dr. Paul Zak, founding Director of the Center for Neuroeconomic Studies at Claremont Graduate University, to speak about some of the topics from his new book, "The Moral Molecule" where he discusses questions like....

Why do some give freely while others are cold-hearted?
Why are some more faithful than others?
Why are women more generous than men?

Where: Carpenter 13
When: 7:00 PM, Thursday

He argues that the chemical oxytocin serves as the biological foundation of human moral behavior.  
Dr. Zak will tie it in with some Libertarian ideas, even economics, as well!  Psych, econ, gov, and neuro majors might all take a particular interest, but it should be entertaining and educational for all!  

Hope to see you there!
The College Libertarians