Planning to rush in the fall and want to know more about the ins-and-outs of Greek Life? Then come hear from current sororities members at THE REAL DEAL PANEL.

Tuesday, May 22nd at 8 pm
One Wheelock

-Stereotypes & Cliques: Do all of the girls in that house really play a sport? Should you brush up on baking skills before rushing? Are you worried about rushing when all of your friends will be unaffiliated?

-Financing: Worried you can't afford to be in a house?  Is it true that you're just "paying for friendship"? What kind of scholarship opportunities and funding do houses provide? Come learn more about finances in the greek system!

-Diversity: Curious about racial diversity in the Greek community?  Wondering what sororities do to make all of their members feel comfortable? What does "inclusivity" ACTUALLY mean?

-Sisterhood: How does everyone get to know each other? Are these girls really my sisters for life? What makes us so close?

-Philanthropy: What do sororities really do to give back to campus and the community?

-Academics: Sororities are so time consuming. My parents think I'm going to let my grades slip. Can I be in a sorority and still get good grades?

-Social: I have so many friends already, how will a sorority add to my social life? is the Greek scene all about partying and drinking?

Featuring members from 7 of the Panhellenic Council Sororities and AKA.