*~*~*~*~*~*Volunteer Sustainability:  A Lasting Contribution*~*~*~*~*~*~*
With guest Michael Odokara-Okigbo '12

Even the most committed short-term volunteers can leave a gaping hole in the communities where they used to help.

On Tuesday, join World Partners in Education for the third installment of our dinner discussions on volunteer teaching abroad. We'll grapple with questions of how volunteers can work sustainably on the ground. Also, we'll talk about ways to maintain our connections and commitment to target communities even after we return from abroad.

Student volunteer Michael Odokara-Okigbo '12 will share his experience in Hosur, India, and how he later organized A Night of Song and Smile to fundraise for Mugadi Foundation and CUP International.

Time: 7:00 pm, Tuesday 5/8/12
Place: Fahey Ground Floor Lounge

Delicious catered dinner will be served.

Bring your experiences or ideas for future work! Everyone is welcome.