The C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth presents:

The Truth About Getting Sick in America
A lecture by Dr. Tim Johnson, ABC News 

What are the big questions and big answers surrounding the current state of health care in America? What factors have contributed to the exploding costs of American health care, and how can we control those costs while improving the quality of our health care in the future?

 Tuesday May 1, 2012

--Book Signing at 4:45 PM

--Lecture at 5:30 PM

Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall

 Dr. Tim Johnson, former Chief Medical Editor for ABC News for 25 years, will examine some of the most pressing issues in the current US health care system. Drawing from his recent book, The Truth About Getting Sick in America: the Real Problems with Health Care and What We Can Do, Dr. Johnson will discuss the lessons he has learned about health care in America over the past three decades and important ideas for moving forward.