Are you a sustainability champion?

Have a Secret Eco Hero in your midst?

Want some recognition for using a spork to eat every meal?

This year the Dartmouth Sustainability Office will be hosting the first annual: 

Dartmouth Lorax Awards! 

It's time to honor Dartmouth community members who have contributed significantly to furthering sustainability leadership at Dartmouth and in the world. We want to hear about all the awesome sustainability work you, your peers, faculty and staff are up to across the college and recognize you for it! 

SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS TODAY! Its quick and super easy! 

Nomination form can be found here:

And now for This Week in Sustainability, keeping you up to date with all things green at Dartmouth and beyond!
"This Week in Sustainability" Highlights:

TUESDAY, April 3rd
*Intro to Bike Commuting, 12pm, Robo basement/outside
*Pop-up Bike Shop, 3-6pm, Gellar Plaza (between Robo and Collis)
*Sustainability Salon with Terry Tempest Williams, 4pm, Fairchild 101
*Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering Meeting, 8pm, Cummings 200, Thayer School

WEDNESDAY, April 4th
*"A Chemical Reaction" Film Screening, 7pm, Howe Library 
*Environmental Conservation Organization Meeting, 7:30pm, Collis 101

THURSDAY, April 5th
*Dartmouth Animal Welfare Group Meeting, 7pm, Collis 219

Tuesday, April 3rd
Open(Out)Doors: Introduction to Bike Commuting
When: noon
Where: Robinson Hall basement/outside
What: Have you thought about riding your bike instead of driving to work? Come to a panel discussion about equipment, clothing, motivation, safety and environmental issues.
Date:Tuesday April 3rd Time: Noon. Location: Robinson Hall basement (we'll go outdoors if weather permits). Bring your bag lunch; bring your questions; meet other bike commuters.

Pop-up Bike Shop!
When: 3-6pm
Where: Gellar Plaza (between Robo and Collis)
What: You bring you, your bike, a smile and we bring volunteer mechanics, tools, parts (tubes, chains, etc)
*All repairs at cost of parts. Cash or DA$H accepted
***If you'd like to donate your bike to the Sustainability Move-In sale, you can drop it off with the mechanics.

Sustainability Salon: When Art Meets Science
When: 4-5:45 pm
Where: Fairchild 101
What: Join Terry Tempest Williams, Visiting Professor of Environmental Studies and Provostial Fellow, for a discussion of sustainability and screening of the film, "The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom."   Reception immediately following under the globe in Fairchild Tower. This is the first of four Sustainability Salons led by Prof. Williams. Other Salons will be on April 10, April 24 and May 1.

Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering Meeting
When: 8pm
Where: Cummings 200, Thayer School
What: Come learn about the Tanzania Project and how you can be involved with DHE. You do not have to be an engineer! DHE is focused on diversifying the interests of its group members to gain a more balanced insight into the communities in which it works. Come check us out!

Wednesday, April 4th
"A Chemical Reaction" Film Screening
When: 7pm
Where: Howe Library (across from Ramunto's)
What: The Sierra Club, Catamount Earth Institute, and the League of Women Voters of the Upper Valley will present the documentary "A Chemical Reaction" about health risks of lawn chemicals. The film describes how the town of Hudson, Quebec banned the use of chemical lawn products, and how similar bans were adopted in five Canadian provinces.

When: 7:30pm
Where: Collis 101
What: Brainstorm projects for the term and discuss fundraiser ideas to support the end of mountain top removal coal mining. All while enjoying delicious Lou's Pies!!!

Thursday, April 5th
DAWG meeting
When: 7pm
Where: Collis 219
What: Join us as we discuss plans for dinners and events this term and look at cute pictures of animals! You don't want to miss this.


*Nominate speakers for the next Sustainability Solutions Café: A new speaker series that enables faculty and students to bring speakers to campus to speak about their experiences with your course material in the real world! Learn more about the Sustainability Solutions Cafés and how to nominate a speaker for next term here!

*As a reward for reading to the end of this e-mail, here is the link to our facebook page: 

The Dartmouth Sustainability facebook has 454 friends. Yale has 4,304.... Click the link above and press "like"!

Sustainably yours,

The Sustainable Dartmouth Team