Hello Campus!!

Applications to lead a First Year Trip for the '16s or be on a Croo are due THIS  
FRIDAY at 5 pm!!!!! https://www.dartmouth.edu/~doc/firstyeartrips/leaders/applications/

This is an awesome opportunity to Welcome the '16s and help Dartmouth create a  
stronger more, more cohesive community.

Trip leader applications are being a bit finicky.  So here are some tips
1) Write you application in a Word document
2) When you sign in to the website, make sure it says 2012 and NOT 2011 in the  
web address
3) If you submit your application and it clears the form, it did NOT submit, please  
try reentering everything (from your Word document) and resubmitting
4) The link for leader recommendations should be on the page you are directed  
to when you sign into the webpage

The website was changed today, so if you have already submitted your application  
double check it today!!!

PE Credit is awarded to people who are selected as Trip Leader or put on the waitlist  
AND who complete Trip Leader Training DURING THE TERM THAT THEY SIGN UP FOR PE!
What this means: If you applying, you should sign up for PE credit!! If you complete  
all your Trip Leader Training AND First aid and CPR this term, you will be awarded  
PE credit.  If you are on during the summer, you may also sign up for credit during  
the summer.  Trips should be available as a PE class now CRN #32768.

Sorry for all the business in this blitz! We're so excited that you're interested  
in Trips 2012!!

Please don't hesistate to blitz us, or stop by the office (Robo 103) if you have  
any questions, ideas, suggestions, or just want to say hi!