Kappa Delta in assoc. with V-Week 2012 presents:

Mental Self Defense Workshop w. Sgt. Rebel Roberts
Tomorrow, Feb. 23rd
6pm Collis Commonground

Join Sargent Rebel Roberts in discussing the importance of being mentally prepared to tackle a risky situation and how self-defense starts with the mind. The intimate discussion will include:

Talking about rape and abuse
Figuring out vulnerability and methods of risk reduction
Understanding distance and acceptable proximity in foreign situations
Learning about the mental steps needed as a foundation for later physical defense
Listening to RAD testimonials and view a RAD demonstration

The purpose of this event is to promote self-empowerment and raise awareness.

**First 30 people to RSVP will get a free copy of  Babes in Boyland: A Personal History of Co-Education in the Ivy League by Gina Barreca**

Spots are limited! RSVP to [log in to unmask]
*Suggested $5 donation*

Funded by: Student Assembly's Inter-Community Development Fund and Panhellenic Council