Don't have the time to spent the entire weekend at the 
Come hang out at Billings Cabin on Saturday night instead!!

We'll leave campus at 6:30pm on Saturday (4pm if we decide 
to cook and eat dinner at the cabin), and hang out at the 
cabin, and then call it an early night, so we can wake up 
bright an early to go hiking!
Billings is a prime location (it's like the Hitchcock of the 
White Mountains), and there are plenty of mountains we could 
hike up.
The one we have in mind is called Mt. Avalon, and is 4 miles 
each way (and not a super-intense hike), so we could wake up 
early and sunrise-hike, or just do a regular day-hike!

Cost: $4 for DOC members, $6 for nonmembers.

Blitz Vipul Kakkad for more info/to sign up!
(and include whether or not you'd prefer to leave earlier on 
Saturday and cook dinner at the cabin, which will make the 
cost $7/$9)